Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Panjat pinang ( climbing nut )

Climbing one of the nut is traditionally a popular race in the celebration of Indonesia's independence day.Table of contents    * 1 The way the game
* 2 History
2.1 Climbing Pinang in Chinese Culture
* 3 Pro cons
* 4 See also
* 5 Footnote
* 6 External links
How to playA nut tree height and trunk are covered by the lubricant was prepared by the race committee. At the top of the tree, put up a variety of prizes. The participants competed for prizes by way of climbing the tree trunk.
Because of the slippery tree trunks (having been given a lubricant), the tree climbers often falls. Sense and cooperation of the participants to climb a tree trunk is what usually overcame slippery tree trunks, and become a tourist draw for the audience.HistoryClimbing nut comes from the former Dutch colonial times. climbing competitions held by the Dutch nut if you're holding a big event such as celebrations, weddings, and other follow-lain.yang this race is indigenous people. Prizes up for grabs are usually foods such as cheese, sugar, and clothing such as shirts, knowing that among the natives of items such as these include luxury. while the indigenous people struggling to compete for prizes, the Dutch people watching, laughing. This ordinance has not changed since the game first. It is conceivable condition in the colonial period, while the citizens of Indonesia struggled with stained sweat, the Dutch occupation and family laugh out loud look at the suffering of the Indonesian nation. And maybe this time, when the celebration of August 17, they still laugh out loud, to see that the culture that they made with the aim of insulting the Indonesian nation, proved to be the preserve.
The form of this game is to survive until now, there are those who are not concerned about the history of this game, but some are not agree with this culture. If the rock history nut so painful why should the preserve. There is some controversy surrounding Climbing Pinang. While most believe that Indonesia is a challenging education that teaches people to work together and work hard in achieving their goals, there are those who say Rock Pinang is condescending look that sends the wrong kind of message for the youth of Indonesia. There are also environmental issues to reduce a large number of nut-trees for a celebration of the existing controversy hedonistik.Apapun Pinang Climbing has always been a unique tradition in the country of Indonesia.Climbing Pinang in Chinese CultureThe procession was climbing nut is popular in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan related to the ghost festival. This can be understood from the geographical area of ​​the sub-tropical climates, which still allows the nut or coconut to grow and live. This celebration was first recorded during the Ming Dynasty. Common referred to as "Qiang-gu". However, during the Qing dynasty, the game is rock nut ever since government banned haunting casualties. When Taiwan was under Japanese occupation, a climbing nut began to be practiced again in a few places in Taiwan related to the ghost festival. Climbing nut is used as a traditional game in various locations in Taiwan. The procedure is more or less the same game, made team, with lots of prizes hung on top. But the difference that must be climbed higher not only as tall as a tree nut, but has evolved into one building from the areca tree and the wood can be up to a peak level 3-4 building. For the first winner, each team had to climb up the peak to lower the associated red scrolls there. [1]Pros consIt happened about the pros and cons of this one race. one party believes that this race should be stopped because they injure the human values. While others think there is value in this race as noble: work hard, never give up, the working group / mutual aid.

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