Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Indonesian flag

Flag of the Republic of Indonesia, which are briefly referred to the Flag State, is the Red and White. State flag of the Red and White rectangular with width 2/3 (two-thirds) of the length and the top red and bottom white both halves of the same size.HistoryRed and white colors taken from the state flag of the Kingdom of Majapahit. Actually not only the kingdom of Majapahit who wore red and white flag as a symbol of greatness. Before the Majapahit kingdom Kediri been wearing red and white pennants. In addition, the flag of war Sisingamangaraja IX of the Batak lands were wearing red and white as the color of the flag, white twin swords illustrated with bright red base and white. Red and white flag of war is Sisingamangaraja XII. Two swords symbolize the twin piso style of densely packed, heritage kings Sisingamangaraja I-XII. [1] When there is war in Aceh, fighters - fighters in Aceh have used the flag of war in the form of banners in red and white, applied to the image on the back of the sword , new moon, sun, and stars as well as a few verses of the Quran. [2] At the time of Bugis kingdom of Bone, South Sulawesi before Whitewater Palakka, the flag is a symbol of power and greatness of the kingdom Bone.Bendera Bone was known as Woromporang. [3] At the time of the Java War (1825-1830 AD) Diponegoro wear the banner of red and white in its struggle against the Dutch. Later, the colors are turned back by the students and later the nationalists in the early 20th century as an expression of nationalism against the Dutch. Red and white flag is used for the first time in Java in 1928. Under colonial rule, the flag was banned from use. It was adopted as the national flag on August 17, 1945, when independence was declared and has been used since then as well. [4]


      Dutch flag in use since March 20, 1602 - March 8, 1942 (340 years)

      Japanese flag in use since March 8, 1942 - August 17, 1945 (3 years 5 months)

      Flag in use since August 17, 1945 [5]

Meaning of ColorThe flag of Indonesia has a philosophical meaning. Red means the bold, white means pure. Red symbolizes the human body, while white symbolizes the human soul. Both are complementary and perfect for Indonesia.
In terms of history, from ancient days both red and white color implies a saint. The red color is similar to the color of brown sugar / brown sugar and white color similar to rice. Both of these materials is the main ingredient in the cuisines of Indonesia, especially in Java. When the victorious kingdom of Majapahit in the archipelago, the color of the banner used are red and white (white banners brother). Since the first red and white colors used by the Javanese ritual of salvation for the content of the baby after the age of four months in the womb in the form of slurry fed some red dye. Javanese people believe that pregnancy begins from the merging of the red element as a symbol of the mother, the blood that spilled when the baby is born, and white as a symbol of the father element, which is planted in the womb.White Red Flag RegulationsFlag is set according to the Constitution states in Article 35 of '45 [6], Law No. 24/2009, [7] and the Government Regulation No.40/1958 on National Flag of the Republic of Indonesia [8]
State flags are made of fabric and color does not fade with the provisions size: [7]

A. 200 cm x 300 cm for use in the field of the presidential palace;
2. 120 cm x 180 cm for use in the public square;
3. 100 cm x 150 cm for use in the room;
4. 36 cm x 54 cm for use in the car of President and Vice President;
5. 30 cm x 45 cm for use in the car of state officials;
6. 20 cm x 30 cm for use in public transport;
7. 100 cm x 150 cm for use in ships;
8. 100 cm x 150 cm for use on the train;
9. 30 cm x 45 cm for use in aircraft; and
10. 10 cm x 15 cm for use in the table.
Raising and / or installation of the State Flag made on the time between sunrise to sunset. [7] Under certain circumstances, can be done at night. [7]
State flag shall be flown at each nation's Independence Day of Indonesia on August 17 by a citizen who controlled the right to use the home, or office buildings, educational units, public transport and private transport in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia and the representative office of Republic of Indonesia in abroad. [7]
State flag shall be flown every day at: [7]

1. the palace of President and Vice President;
2. office building or a state institution;
3. office building or government agencies;
4. office building or government agencies;
5. office building or local government agencies;
6. office building or local legislature;
7. office building of the Republic of Indonesia or abroad;
8. education unit of the building or yard;
9. or private office buildings;
10. home position of President and Vice President;
11. home leadership positions of state institutions;
12. the home office minister;
13. home leadership positions of government agencies nonkementerian;
14. home office of governor, district heads, mayors and district heads;
15. building or other office or home office;
16. border posts and the outer islands in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia;
17. environment Indonesian National Army and Police of the Republic of Indonesia;
18. garden tomb of national hero.
The original flag-raising momentum after the declaration of independence on August 17, 1945.
State flags as a lid or can be mounted on a bier or coffin bier of President or Vice President, former President or former Vice President, members of state agencies, ministers or ministerial-level officials, regional heads, members of regional parliaments, heads of diplomatic representatives, members of the Armed Forces of Indonesia, Indonesian National Police members who died in service, and / or Indonesian citizens who have contributed to the nation. [7]
State flags are flown on the National Independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 in East Road No. 56 Jakarta Pegangsaan called the Saka Heritage Flag Red and White. The Heritage flag Saka Red and White kept and maintained at the National Monument in Jakarta. [7]
Each person is prohibited from: [7]

  1. Damage, tearing, trampling, burning, or perform other actions with the intention of disfiguring, humiliating or degrading the honor of the Flag State;
  2. Flag of the State to use billboards or commercial advertising;
  3. Flying the flag of the State are broken, torn, faded, wrinkled, or dull;
  4. Print, embroidery, and write letters, numbers, images or other signs and put up a badge or any object on the Flag State; and
  5. Wearing the flag State to the ceiling, roof, wrapping of goods, and goods that can lower lid Flag State honors.

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